Stephen R. Branam, D.D.S., Inc.

3140 Dustin Road
Oregon , Ohio  43616

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Stephen R. Branam, D.D.S., Inc., Oregon

Pediatric dentists care for and treat children from infancy through the teenage years. Did you know pediatric dentists have an additional two years of training to acquaint them with the special needs and remedies available to children? That's right! In addition to learning the most up-to-date treatments available for a wide variety of children's dental problems, we also learn how to deal with the behavioral aspects of children, how to make them feel comfortable about the treatment they are receiving, and to make the experience pleasant, and not fearful! Additionally, we are trained and qualified to treat special patients, mentally or physically challenged children. Children are our only patients and all our training is devoted to meeting their special and unique needs.


Dental Services